
Showing posts from September, 2021

Pre-Ludum Dare Hype

Intro So, tomorrow at 6 pm EDT begins the biggest game jam in the world.  This will mark the second game jam for Grease Fire Games.  However this time, I will be participating alone.  I think I will still participate in the Jam rather than the Compo though, because I want to flesh out some of my earlier prototypes I have been working on. Goals For this LD, I want to focus on finishing a prototype we have been working on here for a while.  Its a design for a isometric Tactics style roguelike, in the same vein as Spelunky where you progress through partially proc-gen'd levels, while at the same time there are bits and pieces which are familiar.  I also want each stage to provide a different feel, the same way Spelunky does.  However, the goal at the end is to build out the prototype which allows for at least 4 levels in one "stage" of the game series. Design As of now for design I'm pretty unsure of what style to follow for the setting/elements of the story....

First Post

First post!! Welcome to the GreaseFire Games blog.  More to come as we tackle this weekend's Ludum Dare competition!!