Pre-Ludum Dare Hype


So, tomorrow at 6 pm EDT begins the biggest game jam in the world.  This will mark the second game jam for Grease Fire Games.  However this time, I will be participating alone.  I think I will still participate in the Jam rather than the Compo though, because I want to flesh out some of my earlier prototypes I have been working on.


For this LD, I want to focus on finishing a prototype we have been working on here for a while.  Its a design for a isometric Tactics style roguelike, in the same vein as Spelunky where you progress through partially proc-gen'd levels, while at the same time there are bits and pieces which are familiar.  I also want each stage to provide a different feel, the same way Spelunky does.  However, the goal at the end is to build out the prototype which allows for at least 4 levels in one "stage" of the game series.


As of now for design I'm pretty unsure of what style to follow for the setting/elements of the story.  I would like for the first chapter (1-*) to take place in a dungeon type area, with simple enemies and some chest objects which can be opened for loot between stages.  The design of the first level will be dungeonesque a-la undead asylum from Dark Souls.

I think that this would be pretty cool with some basic pixel-art enemies like slimes or other various dungeon crawling enemies.

Moving forward I would like to keep the style similar to this including a few other stops along the way for other chapters.  One I would like to be Classical-type with enemies being Roman-Legionaire-esque with some other types of greco-roman typed monsters.  However this faction/empire would be much more evil and supernatural.

This is some of the style of pixel art I would like to use as inspo for the classical architecture type stages.  I think that for the competition I will only be able to finish the dungeon levels but possibly moving forward I'll be able to implement some other styles of stage.


I will be kicking off my attempt at realizing this idea tomorrow night at 6 PM EDT and will be working nonstop until I can finish the project.  I plan to stream my attempt on Twitch for my friends to view and come in and out to watch the project take shape.  I will be completing this competition at a family members residence so that my dog can play outside the whole time I'm working.  I may even be working outside on the project weather permitting because I will be working off of wifi.  I plan to publicize all my code and the entire project at the end and hopefully if I like the project, I can transition the project into a mobile app.  Tune in this weekend, I will be maintaining progress here on the blog for the weekend and documenting my progress through a twitch stream/video post mortem.  Hope you enjoy!!


  1. Can’t wait to see what you make of it!! Best of luck! Sounds super cool

  2. LD ROUND 2!!! Just out of curiosity why do you want it to be on mobile?

  3. I would like to release to mobile because I think its an untapped market and the scope of my project is too small for a release on steam or some other game platform. Plus in mobile I can justify selling the app for $.99 and people will probably buy it bored on a busride to somewhere.


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