Barony: The Roguelike We All Should Love

 Barony is kick-ass

I have been playing this game a ton recently.  Just about 8 hours in the last 2 weeks.  Which is a lot of time for someone who works full time.  Dude the game is so complex and gives you that dungeon runner feeling every time.  As a kid who played diablo and TES games growing up, this shit just hits right.

I don't have a formal review or anything for the game to put out as of now, but maybe I can deliberate and write more as I get further into the game.  I'm just not good enough yet to make it to the end.

I'll include some images taken from the game.  If graphics are part of reasons that you play video games, then I would argue you should try to look past it and give it a try.  It's really pretty damn good.

Speaking of being "good" at the game, this is truly a game that requires you to "get gud" in order to be even halfway effective.  I also think that this is a game where the developers thought about what kind of game they wanted to see/play, and then they just made it.

I'd be interested to ask the developers of:

Turning Wheel Games

Sheridan Rathbun, Josiah Colborn, and Ben Potter

If this ended up being some of the reasons for creating this beauty.  Either way if you haven't played it yet, and you are into RPGs and dungeon crawlers, check the game out.  At the very least give the 2 hour trial a shot that steam provides by purchasing on their platform.

Here is the link to the website:


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