New Project with Team

 The team is working on something again.

It's pretty loose and basically a giant joke, but I'm excited.

Brainstorming and Project Kickoff Approach:

We're trying something new this time being a small time development team.  We brainstormed the major idea, and by doing so realized we all had different visions for what the game could be.  To deal with this, we set a ~2 week deadline for prototyping solo to see what everyone comes up with.  At the end of the 2 weeks we will see which prototype works with the game style better and which style everyone wants to work on.  

I chose to work on a 2D platformer while DePurr wants to work on a top down - stickRPG inspired pseudo RPG.  I think it's a great idea that could work with both types.  Our third partner randy wants to develop a paper mario style gameworld, I'm not sure what functionality he wants to put into the project after that.  Maybe nothing.

I don't exactly know what further to put into my 2D platformer aside from attacking/destroying enemies and a level design with a bossfight at the end.

I think it will be really fun.



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